SERENA WILLIAMS | Florida | Undisclosed Amount

Besides starring in movies, shows, or releasing chart-topping songs, many of the world’s star-studded figures found their fame through sports. In tennis, one such name many – even non-fans of the sport – would know is Serena Williams. Beginning her training at a young age of four years old, Williams has since been regarded as one of the sport’s greatest players, having won 13 Grand Slam singles, among other achievements.

Besides working on her skills on the court, Williams has also made investments in other endeavors. This, of course, includes real estate. With that said, one such property she and her family now call home is this beautiful Florida estate. Even without knowing its price, it’s safe to say its gorgeous design and aesthetic already make it clear that it’s nothing short of luxurious. Along with its lovely living spaces, this haven also has a cozy pool area if anyone wants to go for a swim.
