When it comes to art, it is never limited to just the canvas alone. There are a host of other mediums available, such as photography, sculpture, and performance. However, avant-garde artists are always looking for new challenges and experimenting with different materials to create masterpieces that may seem otherworldly!

As they say, you are only limited by the degree of imagination you have. These artists proved that to be true from using junk, paper bags, and even spilled coffee to bring their ideas to life. With that in mind, here are six of the most amazing works of art that used unusual materials:


New Zealand-based artist Hazel Zakariya starts us off with her fantastical and delicious works of art. If you’re impressed by latte art, just wait until you see what Zakariya can do with her smoothies! She uses ingredients such as berries, coconut cream, herbs, and vegetable powders to paint on the surface of her smoothie bowls. Her creations are colorful and whimsical investments in creativity, with a focus on woodland animals such as deer and foxes!

Chewing Gums

In certain places, such as Singapore, chewing gum is actually against the law. Perhaps they might change their mind about it once they see Maurizio Savini’s gorgeous sculptures made out of chewed gum! Born in Acre, Brazil, Savini’s work is inspired by children’s fairytales, pop-culture, and social issues. As you might imagine, his medium of choice isn’t the easiest to work with, but what’s even more impressive is the range of sculptures he has created throughout his career. From ones that can be held in the palm of your hands, to truly massive ones that will surely leave you in awe! Would you be willing to place investment money toward one of his pieces?


Jell-O isn’t exactly the tastiest snack to have by itself, but it certainly makes for gorgeous artwork when placed in the hands of artist Liz Hickok. One of her biggest pieces is a replica of San Francisco, all made out of jelly. Given the material she uses, her masterpieces aren’t just a feast for the eyes. Viewers would be able to smell, see the way the jelly moves, and perhaps even crave a bite! Each piece doesn’t last for very long, however. Like the structures men build, these will eventually decay (albeit, much quicker), with just the videos and photographs remaining as evidence of its existence. We wonder if her masterpieces can be covered with insurance.

Poker Chips and Dice

Since 2004, artist Liu Jianhua has worked as a professor for the Sculpture Department of the Fine Arts School of Shanghai University. He is known for his contemporary sculptures that he fashions out of various materials, including found objects, porcelain, and various other materials. Just take his recreation of the Shanghai skyline, which was created out of dice and poker chips! The piece, like a lot of his other work, is in response to Chinese culture and history in the context of globalization.

Spilled Coffee

Coffee lovers rejoice! While spilled coffee on the flooring might seem like a waste of money, artist Giulia Bernardelli has other ideas. The artist first gained prominence on Instagram, where she curated photos of the amazing artworks. She was able to create using leftover food such as her breakfast and even ice cream! It’s no secret that coffee stains are tough to deal with, but you wouldn’t want to clean up any of the “mess” Bernardelli creates. The most impressive thing? She never plans anything ahead. Instead, she just goes with the flow and doesn’t even use a brush!


From discarded items meant for the trash heap, Tom Deininger can create some of the most complex sculptures in the art world. This is something online classes will never be able to teach! Imagine trying to build a giant puzzle where every piece doesn’t quite match, and you never really know what you might pick up. For Deininger, that’s all part of the fun and challenge when it comes to creating his 3D collages. In fact, he travels the globe collecting various objects, which he then adds to his pieces. One of the best things about his work is that there is always something more than what meets the eye. Viewers will find something new and different, depending on where they might be standing!

Amazed? Well, we hope these artists inspire you to look further and find a degree of magic in everyday objects as well! Nothing is ever wasted when it comes to the creative mind, after all.


Cover Photo: Combination of photos of #2, 5 and 6

Photo #1: YouTube

Photo #2: Flickr

Photo #3: Flickr

Photo #4: Flickr

Photo #5: YouTube

Photo #6: YouTube
